What is Space Enigneers Roleplay ?

What is Space Engineers Roleplay Empire ?

Space Engineers Roleplay Empire is a community of People who have a Special Roleplay in the Game: "Space Engineers"

What can I expect?
Here you can find wikipedia like entries of Ships, Wars, Galactic Sectors and so on
also if we are a big enough community we gonna have a hole Survival Roleplay Server with roles and so and an extra Server where we host special events for example a specific Fight or War and so on.

How can I join?
You can join the Official Steam Group:

And if you want to be a special part of the Community for building Ships or Writing more Storyline 
add me TheCreator ( http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037568947/)
and tell me what do you want to do.

In which Languages is the Roleplay?
The Roleplay and the Entries are writen in English but you can freely speak in all languages and the Creator (Me) can Speak English and German so if you are German and don't speak English or are more comfortable with german no Problem.

Can i write Entries and build ships for the Roleplay?
Yes, as I previously said you can. You just need to add TheCreator ( Vinci480 "TheSplasher" - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037568947/) and say what you want to do.

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